It happened just before you left for work. Or a date. Or a big event. While meticulously applying your second and final coat of mascara, you accide...
Read and ShopLash Tips
Wedding season, Nicholas Sparks movies, tax time, and a hot yoga class all call for waterproof makeup and a level of emotional regulation that is s...
Read and ShopThink fast. What’s the one beauty product you’d choose to have on a deserted island? If you said mascara, you’re in good company. Mascara and lip b...
Read and ShopIf a heart-shaped face is wide at the top and pointed at the bottom, you can consider the triangle face shape the polar opposite. Triangle faces ha...
Read and ShopYou’ve got a face shape like Reese Witherspoon. Your heart-shaped face may inspire love, but it can also inspire some seriously iconic makeup looks...
Read and ShopKnowing scientists have discovered at least nine different face shapes might make you feel like you’re back in Geometry class. From square face sha...
Read and ShopDiamonds are a girl’s best friend, and your diamond face shape can be your best feature if you know how to creatively use makeup to highlight your ...
Read and ShopA square face shape is characterized by an angular jaw and an even distance between the forehead and chin. If you have a square face, your jawline ...
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