Did you know you can create some of the biggest trending makeup looks……without using any makeup? But “How?!?”, you ask……with Lashify®! With Lashify, you have the ability to get the infamous Bella Hadid Fox Eye, the classic Ariana Grande Cat Eye, or even add a pop of color to your inner corner like Kylie Jenner, without actually using any eye makeup at all. Mind blowing right?! Here I give you the tea on how you can achieve these trending makeup looks with just LASHES. Who wouldn’t want to wake up looking like Bella? I know I’d love to!
Two ways to get the CAT EYE winged-liner look
Let’s start with the easiest way to create a winged look without using liner.…use a Gossamer® Lash! This technique is 2-fold. You’ll need to use Gossamer® lashes that have some volume and you’ll need a minimum of 2 lengths (3-4 different lengths is what I recommend, but it can be done with just 2). When placing the Gossamer lashes onto the eye, you’ll want to apply them from inner corner to outer corner. Start with your shortest length and start applying the lashes from shortest to longest. The more lengths you add, the greater appearance of a wing you will get.
Pro Tip: By adding a Gossamer with a flatter curl on the outer corner you will get an even stronger cat eyed-wing.
Here is a great example of a great Gossamer® lash option for creating this look.
The Extreme Ice 'EI' Gossamer® lash style is one of my favorite ways to define the eye and build a cat eye, winged- liner look. Its fiber pattern is unique because it has 3 different length fibers. It contains 2 long fibers that mimic spikes as well as medium length fibers at the outer corners with short fibers at the base. It also contains 2 different fiber widths. The spikes are a thicker fiber and the rest are a thinner fiber. Because the fibers at the base are thin, yet voluminous, they define the eye and can create an appearance of eyeliner.
My favorite wing map using this style is EI10, EI10, EI12, EI14, EI14, EI16.
Only have Core Gossamer® lashes? No worries, you can still create the appearance of eyeliner by stacking our Core Collection Gossamer® lashes. Start out with a base layer of one of our Core Gossamer® lash styles. I recommend using our Amplify lash to create a wing. It has a soft curl which helps to create the appearance of an elongated eye. You’ll follow the same rules as above by using graduating lengths as you work your way towards your outer corner. Here’s where we take things to the next level: Take a Core lash in the lengths of 8mm and begin stacking on top of this layer. By placing 8mm all the way across this layer you will add volume at the base, mimicking the appearance of eyeliner!
How to get the FOX EYE look
The Fox Eye trend creates the illusion of a lifted outer corner usually created with eyeshadow or eyeliner. This look can be achieved by applying a base layer of lashes and strategically stacking and angling another lash on top. The Fox Eye look often begins with a softer inner corner and will gain volume and drama as you get closer to the outer corner of the eye. The lashes on a Fox Eye generally stay shorter than 14mm. Once your base layer is applied, I recommend taking an Amplify Gossamer lash and stacking it on the outer corner at an angle (see image below). This angle will help lift the eye.
Angled lash placement:
Fox Eye Lash Map: C+8, C+8, C+10, C+10, P12, P14 Stack: A14
How to add a Pop of Color to your inner corner
One of the easiest ways to bump your look to the next level without having to worry about makeup running down your face is by using a Prismatic Gossamer® Lash. Kylie Jenner started a trend that involved applying bright, colored shadow to just the inner corner of your eye for a minimalist look that had a big impact. You can take any Prismatic Gossamer® Lash and apply it to just the inner corner on top of your base layer of lashes. You can also add a pop of color by applying it to just the outer corner lash. The possibilities are endless.
Check out the Lashify Learn page for more lash look inspiration and application tips from our pros!