Client blog by Nadia Morin
Top 3 Favorite products: Blow Speed Dryer, Precision Lash Comb, Petite Eye Fuse Control® Wand
Favorite Bonding Technique: The Stoner™ Method & The D-Method
Typically wears lashes for: 5 to 7 days
I stumbled upon a Lashify ad at the end of 2019, and was so intrigued! However, I just could not bring myself to believe this system would work, so I saved the ad and left it at that.
I must explain, I’m from a small town in Québec, Canada. Most of my life I have worked for corporations as an accountant. Now I’m working for a family-owned business, away from the bigger cities by choice. For that simple reason, I appreciate the peacefulness of nature. I’m a no-frills kinda of gal, and plain as plain gets. I’m the type of person that loves nature, dogs, dog training, dog health, nature/wildlife photography, and walking on my acres of land to free my mind and find my soul.
Now 2020 comes around. I’m older, now in my 50’s, so my physical appearance continues to change. My hair is now completely white, I have wrinkles, don’t wear makeup ever (because I don’t like stuff on my face), no lash extensions either, way too time consuming, just not a fluff person, so what you see is what you get.
But my inner me is thinking that just a little subtle sparkle to my eyes may just be what I need. I feel something telling me just to try this Lashify system because I kept going back to look at the ad. So I decided, let’s just see how this works out.
Well, I bought my Control Kit and was excited and terrified at the same time! If that’s even possible.
When I received the Control Kit, I went all in. I thought, let’s just buy Gossamer™ lashes and go straight for longevity. Oh boy was I wrong! Like anything in life, you need to start with the basics…
I regrouped myself, watched tutorials, read posts, and applied myself in learning. Of course, I messed up some applications., but the beauty of this system is you simply take them off, clean and redo.
As I tried different lashes, I figured out that there are Gossamer™ lashes that are not for my eye shape or not my personal taste. I also figured out which bonding techniques worked for me. I’ll admit, for me there was a learning curve, but it was worth the time, patience, and effort.
Then I discovered the Lashify Life Facebook group and the team Educators … What an amazing army of unique, diverse, kind, positive, uplifting women, and men. This community is happily willing to share and post so much information, techniques, lash maps, longevity tips and even answer questions when you’re a bit stumped with something.
On a more personal level, this community stood up tall beside me when I shared an encounter with a woman who started out complementing my lashes but had a negative opinion about my tattoos. I had never experienced anything like that in my life.
Now for me the most wonderful part of this system is the freedom… yes true freedom because YOU decide when, where, how to use. That, to me, is just priceless.
Last but not least, Lashify truly makes me feel good. It changes how I see and feel about myself, and it's so simple. I just apply lash maps that I put together myself. Each day I do a quick check, maybe a fuse or touchup, and out the door I go! Now that’s magical.
Now remember… patience and practice are key to success! Learn to do what works for you, play around with maps, and just enjoy this amazing, simple system.
I’m truly grateful that Sahara Lotti had this amazing idea in her head and heart. That she has persevered, and keeps innovating for us to use and enjoy.
Plus, she loves dogs! She brings that love to a higher level and is dedicated to their health and wellbeing. I can’t ask for more!
Believe me, this “I don't wear makeup” girl, is most definitely a Lashify wearer for life.
Bisous xx